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Kusakabe Artists' Water color Neo 5ml Tube X 90 All Colour Set

Kusakabe Artists' Water color Neo 5ml Tube X 90 All Colour Set

Regular price CHF 216.00
Regular price CHF 216.00 Sale price CHF 216.00
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Kusakabe Artists' Watercolor is a professional quality water color.

Based on the finest modern and traditional pigments,

it is precisely formulated to offer unparalleled performance and permanence.

In addition , it uses a pigment with excellent light resistance without using pigment of cobalt and cadmium.

This is environmentally friendly watercolors.


【 transparency 】

007 / 008 / 010 / 013 / 014 / 021 / 031 / 033 / 035 / 062 /

084 / 085 / 086 / 093 / 144 / 145 / 172 / 174 / 185 / 192 / 

193 / 194 / 216 /


【 Semi-transparent 】

025 / 029 / 034 / 037 / 040 / 043 / 071 / 072 / 073 / 074 /

076 / 078 / 094 / 122 / 123 / 124 / 129 / 139 / 167 / 170 /

179 / 188 / 191 / 204 / 206 / 208 / 209 / 248 / 261 / 271 /


【 Opaque 】

015 / 022 / 038 / 041 / 042 / 063 / 065 / 066 / 070 / 088 /

092 / 112 / 113 / 114 / 115 / 131 / 135 / 136 / 146 / 162 /

163 / 164 / 165 / 183 / 189 / 190 / 201 / 203 / 210 / 211 /

239 / 243 / 246 / 266 / 273 / 275 / 276 /

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